The lake! The woods! The clean air! The camaraderie of other writers! Can't you just *smell* the creativity?
~inhales.... Aaaaaahhhhhhh~
We have discovered that one question -- more than any other -- is on the minds of people planning to attend.
It's not "Tell me more about the faculty and facilitators." Nope. Shawna Ayoub Ainslie and Yi Shun Lai have solid creds that speak volumes.
It's not "What's the closest airport?" [The answer is Kalamazoo, MI. But Grand Rapids, South Bend, Detroit, and Chicago are all easy drives, too.]
"I never want to hear the phrase 'business casual' again." |
Hands down, the biggest question on everyone's mind is a variation on "where will I be sleeping?"
We've discovered that "cabins" and "camping" mean very different things to people. Huh. Who knew?
So -- to those who wondered if you needed to bring your own rollmat and mosquito netting...AND to those who asked if there was electricity in the cabins or a concierge, the answer is the same: no.
The beds all have sturdy hardwood frames with standard twin size mattresses. During summer camp they are set up as bunks, but unless you really, really want to check top-bunk-sleeping off your bucket list, there is no need for anyone to do any climbing.
Tall, four-tiered, wooden shelves stand in the cabin like trees in a forest, providing handy storage for important items like writing utensils, flashlights, and a deck of Exploding Kittens.
Bring your own bedding. And your own towels, washcloths, and toiletries. The concierge is you.
To help you visualize, we went to Camp Cedar Lake and made up two "demo beds":
Exhibit A: The Intrepid Explorer
These hardy souls really couldn't give two rips about whether or not things color coordinate, as long as they do the job.
Essential Items
- Sleeping bag
- Blanket
- Pillow
- Hanging flashlight
- Large plooshy stuffed animal (optional)
Some people have an eye for beauty, elegance, and design. Instead of "gray," "blue," or "orange," they name colors things like "chickadee," "kingfisher," and "oriole."
Like Monty Python's infamous Knights of Ni, when they ask for a shrubbery, they want "one that looks nice." (Kim: these are your people!)
Though such aesthetes lean more toward spas than cabins when they go on vacation, they are no shrinking violets! They boldly bring civilization into the wilderness with them.
Essential Items
- Top and bottom twin sheets with matching pillowcase
- Sleeping pillow
- Decorative accent pillows
- Down-filled duvet
- Handcrafted vintage quilt
- Retro flashlight
- Fresh flowers (not optional)
There is still time to register: just click the "Buy Now" button and sign up via PayPal. Better yet -- save over 10% if register before April 20. We won't make your bed, but we'll do everything in our power to help make this the Writer's Retreat of your dreams!